I/DD Waiver Consumers Bowl up Excitement!

DCI Consumers were filled with excitement as they got ready for their first bowling game of the year.  Most had on their personally decorated T-shirts, with their name and team number.  The atmosphere was electric.  Having chosen a ball, put on shoes, everyone waited patiently for their turn.  Much laughter and high-fives for strikes and spares!  Calls of encouragement were given for times when the score was low.

Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to helping our consumers achieve a healthy lifestyle.  Exercise, in the form of various sports, is how we look to do that.  The consumers were asked how they enjoyed bowling.

“I love the excitement”, exclaimed one consumer.  “I like the action” said another.  All agreed that keeping busy via sports was the highlight of their week.

Many activities are available for pre-school special needs children.  School age children participate during their school years, and camps are open in the summers.  But when special needs adults are out of school, opportunities are few for sports, teams, exercise.  Health conditions can develop or worsen with inactivity.  Daily Companions, Inc. feels that a schedule that includes a variety of opportunities for exercise is a priority for our consumers.  We are always looking for new ways to add movement to our schedule.

Be sure to stop and say “hi” to our consumers if you see them at the bowling alley, or if you see them at the driving range, the recreation center, or out on one of the fitness trails!