Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to providing services for the special needs population that allows for a quality of life for the individual and their family. Individuals in a day program have the opportunity to be with their friends and interact with the community. A day program balances the amount of time that is spent in high stimulation verses quiet time. It is important that our individuals are out in the community for at least 2 hours a day, engaging in supported employment, reviewing life skills, socializing and recreation. It is just as important that there is quiet time for taking a break, working on math, English, or listening to a speaker. Accommodating the needs of individuals with special needs allows the parent to follow their dreams of employment, friendships, community involvement and activities.
Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to quality of life and addressing each individual’s personal dreams. To achieve this goal, we offer a Day Program 5 days a week where activities are scheduled. IDD Waiver consumers can look at this schedule and choose when to be involved; this allows a person-centered life where they are retaining the right to self-author their life.
Daily Companions, Inc. has expanded its services to include working with individuals that have graduated but do not qualify for the IDD Waiver Program by aiding these individuals to obtain competitive wage employment. Any individual with a special education diploma may contact our office and ask to speak to a Customized Employment Specialist.
Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to serving the special needs population in Jefferson, Berkeley, and Morgan counties. We look forward to working with our elected officials and consumers, and state agencies. Daily Companions, Inc. believes that it is always better to be involved in a solution where everyone benefits.