Fair Day for DCI Consumers!
What a great morning to be outdoors at the Fair! The weather was sunny with a cool breeze. Smells of hot dogs, fries, and cotton candy filled the air. Who doesn’t love food from the fair?
We could hear cows, goats, sheep and pigs; students were scurrying around cleaning and prepping their animals for show. DCI Consumers enjoyed being able to be up close with animals, petting them, and talking to them. The Poultry Barn was exciting. All were able to pet chickens and rabbits. We learned that some rabbits will eat fruit! What funny looking chickens the Silkies are, with their top knots of feathers. The ducks, geese and turkeys were so loud! Even though we enjoyed looking and touching the poultry, all agreed due to the noise they would not like to keep one!
Next was the horse barn. What beautiful animals. Some were taller than us! We were surprised by the fact the horses wanted to be petted, and looked for treats. One of DCI Consumers that is normally afraid of animals decided to feed one of the horses a treat with the owners help. Boy, what fun!
All too soon it was time to leave. We had such a good time and look forward to our visit again next year.