Everyone of us is affected by weather. It dictates how we dress, if we stay indoors or out, and sometimes even if we travel or not. Most of us watch the weather forecast in the mornings to see what to expect the next day, or the next several days. Do you need an umbrella? How about snow boots? The weather forecast helps us be better prepared.
David Dickson, of WDVM News, took time to visit DCI Consumers and explain what goes into a weather forecast. Lot’s of math for sure! Get up at 2:30 am! Wow, we were amazed at that (and happy we don’t need to get up that early!).
Weather person’s do not “order” weather, they just look at the numbers and try to make an accurate forecast based on the information. DCI Consumers thought it would be great if you could order weather! Lot’s of sun for sure!
David helped us to appreciate that lightning and thunder are a natural part of the weather system. If you hear thunder or see lightning, it is best to get indoors as soon as possible. Why don’t we get more snow? David explained you need that “just right” temperature and moisture balance for snow to happen. Too warm, too cold, too dry, no snow. And he did confirm that no two snow flakes look alike.
DCI Consumers were intrigued by the computer presentation David provided. It was fun seeing the weekly weather forecast, and the “green screen” where he is filmed. What an interesting presentation. Thank you David for visiting DCI.