Archive for News – Page 4

DCI Consumers learn to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

If you are like most of us, you find the garbage cans overflow regularly.  But we just set it out to be picked up and never give it another thought.  Should we give it a thought?  DCI Consumers decided to track down just where our garbage goes, what happens to it, and find out if we can help reduce the amount we produce.

Mr. Hogbin, of the Berkeley County Recycle Center, met them for a tour of the Recycle Center.  There DCI Consumers were fascinated to learn that garbage falls into different categories and that is how it is sorted for disposal.  There is a category for food waste, paper, metals, glass, aluminum, appliances, batteries, books, clothing, plastic, etc.  The web site will give helpful hints on how to decide if your items fit into one of these categories and which recycle center accepts.  That’s right, there is more than one recycle center for everyone’s convenience.  It was emphasized that reusing, reducing, and recycling garbage is important for our environment.

Matthew said he did not know that trees could be brought in and shredded up for mulch.  “You can buy the mulch to use in your flowerbeds” he enthused.

Brittany said she like watching the large trucks that came in to transport the garbage.

Each DCI Consumer received a helpful brochure to share with their families about reducing, reusing, and recycling garbage.  So how about it?  Let’s all help our planet by being “garbage smart”!

DCI Consumers learn about Civil War Medicine

DCI Consumers traveled to Frederick, MD to tour the National Museum of Civil War Medicine.  It was a somber, but interesting, trip to the past.  Our Docent Jake was very informative; he explained each exhibit and readily answered all our questions.  After viewing what soldiers had to endure in the way of “cures”, it made all of us very happy for our clean, modern, hospitals.  The medical professionals from that era did make some great medical advancements that have been useful.  Some fun facts:  soldiers loved to drink coffee; there were amounts of time when they were not fighting so the time was spent playing cards or mending clothes (can any of you guys sew?).  If you have not had chance to visit this fascinating museum, take time this summer to visit!

DCI Consumers receive Nutritional Education

Mrs. Joan Starliper, Dietitian of WVU Medicine, paid a visit to DCI this Tuesday to help DCI consumers learn to make healthy food choices, whether eating out, eating at home, or choosing a snack.  From her “bag of tricks”, she pulled out a number of visual aides to assist us.  Mrs. Starliper started off speaking about potion sizes.  “Today portion sizes are much larger than is healthy for us.”  As an example she mentioned muffins.  Who doesn’t enjoy a BIG muffin?  That is generally what you get when ordering a muffin or purchasing one.  However, in reality, a muffin should only be as large as the palm of your hand.  In fact, using your palm and thumb are a good way to measure portions.  Meat, bread, servings of other foods should really be no larger than your palm.  Salad dressings, butter, peanut butter, etc. should measure about the size of your thumb, or a tablespoon.

Next, real food verses packages, pre-made, or box items.  “They may be quick & easy, but if you read the ingredient list, who wants all those unpronounceable chemicals and dyes in their bodies?”  She showed us  cupcakes purchased some years ago.  The cupcakes were still good, in that they had not gotten moldy, but they did smell pretty bad.  What was in them to hold their shelf life?  UGH!  Reading the ingredient label is a good trick to deciding if a food is a good choice.  We were surprised to learn that Doritos have at least 9 ingredients, including 4 dyes, whereas Fritos only has three.  Then, soda!  This topic caused a great deal of shock and laughter when we learned how much sugar and fat are in a month’s worth of soda!  Everyone decided to be more pro-active in their food and beverage choices from now on.

Mrs. Starliper emphasized that plenty of plain water, fresh fruit and vegetables, enough sleep, and exercise will lead to maintaining a healthy body and mind.

A forest of watercolor trees

Members of Daily Companions, Inc. attended a watercolor class at the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts in Hagerstown, MD.  Thanks to museum staff member Kourtney Lowery and teacher Barbara Weiss, everyone was able to enjoy their first watercolor experience.  The museum has a spacious classroom where all sorts of art classes are held.

For our class, Ms. Weiss suggested that a picture of a tree be painted.  She emphasized that form and color were in the imagination of the artist.  A simple template was demonstrated to help with the shape of the tree top, and then everyone plunged in and let their imagination run riot!  A whole forest of trees, some realistic, some purely imaginary, abstract, bright, or fruit and flowered were painted.  Everyone was given time to hold their picture up and explain their personal vison of a tree.  The time just flew by and the class was over before we knew it.  Many thanks to the museum staff, and Ms. Weiss for helping us to be a part of such an enjoyable experience.

Supported Employment brings Success for Michael

Michael was a young man out of school and in search of a job.  How do you find employment when you are shy and have no skills?  With the help of Daily Companions’ Supported Employment program and a Job Coach, Michael was able to overcome his shyness to the extent of applying, interviewing and accepting a position at Hoss’s in Martinsburg.  He was initially hired as a dishwasher, but wanted to expand his learning experience and graduate to other kitchen skills.  With the assistance of his Job Coach, Michael has learned to portion and weigh individual food servings, properly clean and prepare vegetables, gather, measure and assemble various foods following a recipe.  He is now able to complete basic food preparation, as well as cook with supervision.  This from a young man who admits he doesn’t cook at home!

Michael’s Job Coach taught him more than kitchen skills.  Michael also learned to self-advocate, asking for clarification when needed in his job, and is comfortable in the kitchen.  His manager says Michael can be depended on at Hoss’s to come in and do the tasks assigned to him with minimal to no supervision.  His managers say Michael never complains, and works well with his peers.  And although he is still fairly quiet, his co-workers say he is quite the joker.  Michael is pleased now to be working, earning his own money, and socializing with his co-workers.  He also appreciate the time away from home the job affords him.  When asked what he likes best about his job Michael replied “I fit in”.  For now, Michael is content to remain at Hoss’s.

Is Daily Companions Supported Employment program for you?  Why not call us and ask for an appointment with one of our Supported Employment Specialists today!

Special Needs discussed with Legislators of WV

Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to providing  services for the special needs population that allows for a quality of life for the individual and their family.  Individuals in a day program have the opportunity to be with their friends and  interact with the community.  A day program balances the amount of time that is spent in high stimulation verses quiet time.  It is important that our individuals are out in the community for at least 2 hours a day, engaging in supported employment, reviewing life skills, socializing and recreation.  It is just as important that there is quiet time for taking a break, working on math, English, or listening to a speaker.  Accommodating the needs of individuals with special needs allows the parent to follow their dreams of employment, friendships, community involvement and activities.

Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to quality of life and addressing each individual’s personal dreams.  To achieve this goal, we offer a Day Program 5 days a week where activities are scheduled.  IDD Waiver consumers can look at this schedule and choose when to be involved; this allows a person-centered life where they are retaining the right to self-author their life.

Daily Companions, Inc. has expanded its services to include working with individuals that have graduated but do not qualify for the IDD Waiver Program by aiding these individuals to obtain competitive wage employment.  Any individual with a special education diploma may contact our office and ask to speak to a Customized Employment Specialist.

Daily Companions, Inc. is committed to serving the special needs population in Jefferson, Berkeley, and Morgan counties.  We look forward to working with our elected officials and consumers, and state agencies.  Daily Companions, Inc. believes that it is always better to be involved in a solution where everyone benefits.

Annual Holiday Luncheon

Friday was Daily Companions Annual Holiday Luncheon.  This event is much anticipated all year long.  It is a time for all DCI Members, their families, and staff to enjoy a relaxing, joy filled afternoon, over plates of good food.  Old friendships were renewed, family news was passed on, and each of us felt a little closer to one another.  In this day and age of constant rushing, deadlines to meet, things to do, places to go, how relaxing to come together for this brief but important time of reconnection.  For those whose circumstance did not permit them to attend, we send our warmest regards.  Of course, we are already thinking about next year!  To view pictures from this event, please visit our facebook page.

Explore and Enjoy the World of Music


Most of us harbor a secret dream, to wow audiences with our musical ability either through singing or playing an instrument.  Who of us does not wail out songs in the shower, play that “air” guitar, or unconsciously tap, hum, or sing along to music?  (You’ve done it, jamming” in the car,  and suddenly you realize that everyone around you is watching?  Um hmm, me too!)  Music is an integral part of all our lives.  Music is used to help those that suffer from pain, to ease emotions, to excite, to transport us away from the everyday.  What a sad, dismal world it would be without music.

DCI Members enjoy music immensely.  Whether it is singing along to the radio, dancing, or playing an instrument, music is a prominent part of their lives.  Thanks to Kat Hagedorn, Service Coordinator, and Ms. Cloughfeather, CEO, Daily Companions has teamed up with Kimmon Waldruff of “The Rock Room” in Winchester for music exploration.

Kimmon has been involved in music since, well, forever!  In his high school days, he would team up with different friends that were budding musicians, pool their knowledge, hone their skills, and just have a rocking good time!  Later he played professionally, traveling and being immersed in the world of music.  Now he, as a music teacher, is excited about sharing that same sort of passion with DCI Members.

When asked about his music sessions with DCI Members, Kimmon answered enthusiastically.   “That passion for music really sustains a person all through their life.  The give and take, sharing what you know with others and learning from them is priceless.  I love that DCI Members are so open and expressive with music.  They are not afraid to take chances, they will just jump in and try any instrument, sing along, and let the experience just carry them away.  This experience has given me back all those feelings I had in high school, the thrill, the joy, the cohesiveness of experiencing music”.

Ms. Cloughfeather would like to extend an invitation to any Waiver Member that is interested in joining Daily Companion’s Fun Monday Community Day to call our office Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8am and 4pm for more information.

Active Wednesday’s & Thursday’s!

Daily Companions, Inc. will be offering a variety of activities to help you beat those winter blues!  Need some help looking great in that party outfit?  Just need to relax from all the stress?  Then come to Daily Companions  every Wednesday afternoon, 1:30 until 2 for Yoga.  All that is required is a yoga mat; no pre-registration or appointment needed.

Find the winter days long, dark, and maybe lonely?  Are you being home schooled and looking for activities to integrate with the community?  Daily Companions, Inc. will be having a variety of activities, free and open to the public, every Thursday morning, 10am until 11am. starting Thursday, November 17.  The First Thursday of every month will be “Games Day”.  Come prepared to pit your wit with a variety of activities such as Scrabble, Domino’s, Uno, cards, and puzzles.  The Second Thursday of each month will be “Movies”; each month a different genre will be featured such as Mystery, Comedy, Westerns, Animated, Drama, and Oldies but Goodies.  The Third Thursday of each month will be “Thursday Trivia Times”.  Get your teams ready!  History, geography, literature, and a whole lot more will be “on the table”.  Come show us your skill and lead your team to victory!  The Fourth Thursday of each month will be Life Skills, geared toward young adults, dealing with topics such as home life, dating, work, bullying, gossip, etc.

Have a skill you want to perfect?  Need an audience to practice on?  Singer, song writer, musician, comedian, amateur magician?  Call and ask about giving a free performance on our Thursday mornings.  We would love to help you out.

Daily Companions, Inc.  is also building a Revolving Library.  Donate a book or books, choose from our selection, read it, bring it back and swap it out.  No fees, no membership, just for the fun and joy of reading.  For more information call Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8am and 4pm and ask for Janice.

Howling Good Time

Daily Companions Members held their Annual Halloween Party on a Friday.  All week preparations had been underway to out do last year’s decorations!  They dressed the door up like a mummy, hung spider webs, and made ghosts for each table.  Pumpkins were decorated and placed on each table.  Many of DCI Members elected to dress up, which added to the general atmosphere of merriment.  Games included “Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin”, a Pumpkin toss & bowl, and “Pop the Balloon”.  DCI Members had planned out some great refreshments to include vegetables and dip.  Daily Companions, Inc.  provided pizza, which is a universal hit.  Lots of music and dancing went on too.  Everyone agreed it was a spooktacular Friday!