Love to fish? Ever caught a big Rainbow or Golden Trout? Where did it come from?
DCI Members traveled to the Albert Powell Trout Hatchery to get answers. The Albert Powell Hatchery raises both rainbow and golden trout. The hatchery receives about 450,000 eggs (that’s a lot!) from a private supplier. The eggs are then hatched into “fingerlings” (small fish). Some of the fingerlings are stocked directly into Maryland waters to enhance the trout population. (A ha! that’s where they come from!). Some fingerlings are supplied to other state facilities where they are grown to catchable size. And some are raised to adult size and used for put & take stocking and fishing rodeos.
So, if you have fished in Maryland waters and caught a lovely rainbow or golden trout you now know how the story began. For more info be sure to visit the website for the hatchery and watch their video. Who knows, maybe you would like to visit too.